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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The stress is kicking in!

The stress is kicking in, that's for sure! I haven't had a good nights sleep in like 4 or 5 days now! It's all because of stress from school. They weren't kidding when they say 4th Semester is tough, it such as fuck is!

Let's have a summary of what I have to do still....

1 journal worth 40% (which I can't start too much because we have yet to cover the material in class), a display that we stand in front of for an hour in the B wing (20% I believe).

1 test (30 % I believe), an indoor/outdoor safety check list (which I have completed the checklist part and have to add in the "action required" part) worth 10%, a potluck (which we are doing friday) worth 5%, a self evaluation wirth 5%.

A debate (which my topic is messed up for) 15%, an annotated bibliography to go along with the dbeate (20%), a final paper (40%) which I have yet to start because I don't really understand and she has yet to explain properly...

An essay (40%) which I have started a little bit on but don't really understand, a presenation, and a professionalism evaluation (5%)

A journal (45%) which is ongoing throughout the semester, and an inclass activity (10%)

a BIG presenation which I have yet to do anything for cuz my stupid group memebr hasnt emailed me the observation!!! and a test

And of course to finish placement, which I have 4 curriculums to do still....

It's getting really overhwelming to look at all of these things and try to fit them all in...but you gotta do them one but at a time...

Like focus on whats due this week (potluck and an inclass acitvity), and get those done (obviously an in class activity I cant do before hand, so the potluck) then look at whats due next week (Presenation-the one my group member HASNT emailed me the thing for!!!) and my debate...and focus on those. It's hard, I know, but I have to do it.

I wanna get started on these other things, but first priority comes first. I have to do whats due first or I'll fall behind on those. That being said...I really need to find my 3 articles for my debate. I found 1 for sure, I need to ask about the 2nd...but the 3rd has me puzzled :( oh well, gotta do it! I just need to find them for the debate, the annotated bibliography has the oppertunity to be due the week after so I'm gonna take that chance!

*sigh* but its still stressful!

A stressed,
Nessie <3

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