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Saturday, June 19, 2010


So! exciting news! Kaleb Nation had a BlogTv last night and he announced a tiny bit of details of the book he is curently working on! The book is yet to have publication rights, so nothing official as of yet, but the book sounds absolutly amazing! I am highly excited for it! Also, he posted a chapter one sneak peek of The Specter Key! and it is EPIC! I am so excited for the sequel to Bran Hambric! Oct 10 2010!! can't wait!

In other news, the air show was today, and I got totally burnt! It hurts so much right now, and its an ugly burn so when it fades, its gonna be a farmer tan :( it really sucks! I plan onw earing a tang top tomorrow, or maybe a tube top...something to hopefully even out this ugly burn so that it doesnt look so choppy! That way I can have a sexy tan for my sexy Jeffie! lol

My ear is highly bugging me as well... on Wednesday it plugged some how, and for some reason, I'm not sure exactly why or anything... but its still plugged and it rings and echos and makes it hard to hear sometimes! I have a doctors appointment on Monday so I'm going to ask about it then...

I've been feeling a little down tonight though, and I think it's because I haven't really been able to talk to Jeff because he's at a buddies...since after work...and as far as I know he's still there. I haven't recieved a message saying hes home or anything so Im just guessing. And he's probably drinking, in fact I can guarentee it because it's a bar party or whatever, but thats not whats bothering me tonight, I could care less because he has nothing tomorrow...well hes supposed to go to his moms but its not a mandetory thing or whatever, so its not bothersom...whats bothering me tonight is the fact that i havent been able to talk to him. Sure Ive sent a few texts but we haven't had an actual conversation, no joking around, and it's kinda upsetting.

Of course, I want him to have a fun time, but we've been apart for so long that...well...I miss him, and I only wish I could talk to him. I feel selfish. I guess thats what love does to you lol.

I'd like to share something I've written tonight though, It's a song, kinda, no where near finished, but here's what I have so far... I would like to note that copyright belongs to me!

Look into my eyes
And tell me Can you see
The light that shines so brightly
And the feelings I have for you

Reach into my soul
And feel my heart beat
Tell me can you see
Thne Love I have for you

This is all New to me
But baby I need you to know
And baby I want you to see
That this is all because of you

Thats all I have right now, I wanna keep working on it though :)

Well, that's all for now!
Chat with y'all later!
Nessie <3

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