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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Catch up!

Wow has it ever been a while since I last posted! Let's see what's happened since then...

Well I've offically moved into Jeff's! Thats right Jeff and I are now living together! It's not much different then it was before when I would spend most of my days there, however with the adjustment of my things and his things and how each of us do things...yeah its an adjustment, but we're doing it.There are going to be ups and downs, but in the end I know we will make it work because we both love each other very much and can work through anything.

Next thing...I finished school! With very good marks as well! I finished with an 82% average this semester, and 81% average overall of all 4 semesters! I am so proud of myself!! But of course this brings me to finding a job, which of course is not an easy thing! It's very frustrating and a never ending process but I really need one, as I only have enough money for rent next month and then...I'm broke. But I'm working on it...

Oh! And speaking of finishing school I went to Rev with a bunch of friends to celebrate the end of school....yeah it sucked, I hated it. SOOOO not club girl! First of all the music was shit, it sucked! Nothing good AT ALL to dance to! Also, drinks are too expensive, I only bought one and it cost me 6 bucks! (however I had drank before we went, and let me tell you, the predrink was SOOmuch better than the actual drinking!) And guys just fucking PISS ME OFF! what gives you the right to grab someones waist and try to pull them into a dance! (this happened twice! UGH!!!) and what the fuck makes you think I want you touching my fucking ass! (an asshole did this and I was sooo disgusted! EWW!) and I hate guys coming up to me and two guys did just that to compliment me on myoutfit (they only did it cuz it was low cut). So not going there again! Did not have a good time! However I am up for stampede, which I believe Jane is gonna let me know the next time she goes, cuz hey, Im a country girl!

I've also did all but my in car dirvers trianing and I really enjoyed it! The in class stuff was really fun actually, as the instructor was really funny and kept it interesting! I liked it...now I just want some more practice on the road before I do the in car hours so that I actually pass it with a good mark!

Downside of things...my fucking computer messed up and I had to take it in to be fixed so I am stuck coming to the library every day to use the computer for an hour or so so I can check my email and look for a job. Sucks cuz I can't do the things I enjoy doing (like writing) and I havent gotten to see Starship yet (starkids newest musical!!!) and I am DYING to watch it! Oh well guess I'll have to wait for the call that says my computer is ready! (they said 10-15 business days...its been 11 lol)

I also was very sick the last week of school and sooooo should not have been there AT ALL but seeing as I had finals and shit to do I went, feelings like I was going to puke...which may be the reason I got 56% on myone exam...I couldnt focus on what I was reading and could not recall ANYTHING! Not to mention the fact that the stupid teacher decided presentations was a better way for us to learn than, you know, her actually teaching us! Sure I can read the text book and go oer the slides on my own, but I'm not going to fully understand unless they are explained to me...which they werent! Oh well its over at least...

This past weekened was amazing too :) Friday a bunch of Jeffs family went to the Mandrine to celebrate the graduation of me, his mom, and sister in law! We all finished school this pastmonths! His mom and Bruce got me the dresser :) I got tulips from a family friend...or cousin..im not really sure haha but they were pretty :) And my love Jeffie got me a BEAUTIFUL boquet of lillies and other flowers, as well as money in a card which went towards a new camera since the lens on my other ones busted somehow..everyone keeps sayig it was cu I was drunks but I WASNT! I only had 6 drinks in like 7 hours...I was soooo not drunk! I think it banged against something..or it was from the stuff that spilt on it and it just got stuck, I dunno, but it wasnt cuz I WAS DRUNK! oh well this new one is better :) HD and everything!!! So cool! The staurday was nice as well as we went out and a bout, to see his mommy, do groceries, and get me my camera! We had a drink at Mongolias with his brother to thank him for driving us around, and we took snoopy on a nice loooooong walk :) Sunday I went to visit my mommy for mothers day with my sister and hung with my sis for a bit too. Overall it was just a really good weekend!

Of course there was drama in it, but if you focus on the bad then you forget about the good, and the goood out weighs the abad BIG TIME so who cares a bout all the shit that went down, I'm just happy with everything else!

Today is my parents 27th anniversary, it's hard to believe theyve been together so long, but I knowthat thanks to them it is possible to stay together through thick and thin. I have high hopes for Jeff and I, if only because of the wonderful role models I have as parents.

Anyways, I think thats everything to say for now...
Till later,
Nessie <3

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