TISHA! like honestly, who the fuck does she think she is?! Honestly, is she TRYING to fuck up my friendship with her as well? Because she is doing a fucking good job about it. However, I don't wanna say anything to her until she says something to me. Jeff advised me that it would be stupid to say something when I'm pissed because it may lead to losing another friend and he's right. So I'll just write a blog to vent because thats what I always do, because talking just isnt enough to get EVERYTHING i wanna say down. And if she sees this because someone is still crreping my blog like a loser she is, then hey, she sees it, her fault, i dont give a shit..
ANYWAYS, heres a little definiton of "infactuation":
- a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiaration
- puppy love: temp love of adolescents
- an object of extravagant short-lived passion
- an unreasoning love or attraction
- to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment
NOW does that REALLY sound like Jeff and I?! NO! FUCK NO! she has no idea what happens between Jeff and I, she has NO idea what Jeff and I are like...we do not have "unreasoned love or attachment" it is not "foolish and extravagant" and it is definatly NOT temporary!
It just pisses me off that she doesn't think I love him, and that he loves me! She has NO right to say ANYTHING about MY relationship without looking at HER OWN relationship first! There is a LOT I could say about her and her boyfriend...but i WONT because I consider her my best friend and friends DO NOT say shit about their friend's boyfriends...ok maybe I used to, but I havent in a VERY long time, and it's pretty immature of her to post something like that.
Did she think I wouldnt see?! Or did she want me to see?! and WHY would she say something like that? Like honestly, some friend she is, and to say it over twitter and not to my face like a TRUE friend would?! thats just PATHETIC! OBVIOUSLY I'm not a good enough friend to get the truth, obviously she doesnt think I'm worthy enough to be told the TRUTH!
UGH it just pisses me off SOOOOOOO fucking much!
So anyways...this is the picture..
If you cant see it, she says "Dont know how tou can mix that one up, I know how you mix up love with infactuation BUT everyone knows the E comes after the T! quITE, quIET"
And my thing says.... "Got another 3 curriculums done, and got 3 on both :) quiet proud of myself! midterm eval tomorrow!" As you can see, i made 2 mistakes...yes I spelt Quite wrong...but I ALWAYS make mistakes when I text because the keys are small and close togteher, an I have a habit of typing fast and not spell checking...the other error I made was that I said I got 3 curriculums done, and got 3 on both...I shoulda said I got 2 curriclums done and 3 on both...so the fucking E misplacesment WASNT that big of a FUCKING deal...she was juts trying to make an excuse to fucking BASH on me! FUCK! UGH!
I am NOT saying a word to her until she says something to me...she texted me the other week saying we "clearly" need to talk and fuckign CLEARLY we do if this is what she FUCKING thinks of me! UGH
a pissed off, but will be alright,
Nessie <3
Looking at my facebook, I had made the spelling error twice.... this one matched up with her post because they are both Oct 20....
Again, if you cant see my post... it says"
Got my interview done for partnership, and did my first curriculum, recieving a 3 on it :D quiet proud of myself...doing 2 more curriculums tomorrow"
this was posted on Oct 20th, and so was her Tweet...but thats besides te point! Like fucking REALLY?! it just fucking PISSES ME OFF!Anywho..again, until later,
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